Results 11-20 of 27
FMT Movement Specialist Advanced - Subconscious Movement Assessment

FMT Movement Specialist Advanced - Subconscious Movement Assessment

by Dr. Meghan Helwig

There is no one size fits all to human movement, rather there are many human shapes that can accomplish the same movement goals.More important than stereotypic standards and measurements to ideal movements we can provide a more COMPLETE strategy to movement screening by looking at the complete person, their environment and their unique parts.FMT Movement Specialist Advanced is designed to help health and fitness professionals learn safe, simple, and effective tactics to screen, assess and address performance of subconsciousmovement. Attendees will learn multiple screens and assessments alongside multiple corrective strategies to influence the subconscious movements of breathing and gait. This course offers an evidence-based, functional framework that health and fitness professionals can use to assess and intervene in patients and clients with subconscious movement dysfunction. Topics such as cognitive awareness, neurological, midline and mechanical control and tactical intervention will be discussed and practiced. Lab experiences will include assessment, practice and corrective techniques that will be immediately actionable by students after completion of this training course. These courses are intended for health and fitness professionals with all levels of prior movement screening experience. Functional Movement Training (FMT) courses are taught by industry leading experts in movement assessment, performance and rehabilitation. CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, LAc...

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FMT Movement Specialist - Conscious Movement Assessment

FMT Movement Specialist - Conscious Movement Assessment

by Dr. Meghan Helwig

There is no one size fits all to human movement, rather there are many human shapes that can accomplish the same movement goals.More important than stereotypic standards and measurements to ideal movements we can provide a more COMPLETE strategy to movement screening by looking at the complete person, their environment and their unique parts.FMT Movement Specialist is designed to help health and fitness professionals learn safe, simple, and effective tactics to screen and assess conscious movement patterns. Attendees will learn multiple quick screens and assessments along with corrective exercises tactics and strategies of the conscious fundamental movement of the deep squat. A variety of interventional tools (mobility balls, exercise bands, foam rollers, compression flossing bands, agility and conditioning equipment) will be used to tackle an evidence-informed, brain-based approach to movement improvement and functional performance programming. The use of digital motion analysis technology will be presented to demonstrate how health and fitness professionals enhance their objectivity when assessing human movement. Functional Movement Training (FMT) courses are taught by industry leading experts in movement assessment, performance and rehabilitation. CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, LAc, OTs and personal trainers. If your profession & state is unavailable, we do not currently offer CEUs however, we are continually adding additional licenses.Note: Tools are not pro...

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FMT Mobility Specialist

FMT Mobility Specialist

by Dr. Meghan Helwig

FMT Mobility Specialist Course is an evidence-informed self-myofascial rolling course that advances students understanding of mobility techniques for their patients and clients needs. FMT Mobility Specialist offers a practical framework and a systematic approach for determining why, how, when and where to roll for movement preparation, movement recovery or pain relief. Assessment systems will be presented examining concepts of joint by joint mobility, stability and fascial integrity. These systems will be utilized to direct fun and innovative lab experiences throughout the course.FMT Mobility Specialist methodically integrates a review of the current literature and demonstrates the science behind rolling for improved rehabilitation or performance outcomes. Current concepts such as rolling with percussion/vibration will be explored with innovative solutions provided for common movement, performance and recovery challenges.This course is intended for health and fitness professionals with all levels of prior self-myofascial rolling experience. Functional Movement Training (FMT) Certification courses are taught by industry leading experts in movement assessment, performance and rehabilitation.Note: Tools are not provided with this course.

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FMT Advanced

FMT Advanced

by Dr Steve Capobianco

Until now, choices were limited if you wanted to learn how to use kinesiology tape.You had to read a book or attend an expensive class that locked you into one way of applying tape.Not anymore.FMT Advanced expands on the concepts taught in FMT Basic Kinesiology Taping and explores strategies to enhance human movement and performance through evidence-based functional taping methods. The anatomy and physiology of myofascial lines will be covered, the fascial lines are used in conjunction with kinesiology taping techniques to support efficient human movement. Sport-specific taping techniques are introduced, and students will have opportunities to assess dysfunction in specific anatomical planes of motion. Tape application techniques are explored and practiced with an emphasis on taping fascial chains to improve movement and enhance function. Students will learn techniques in a hands-on laboratory environment where they will have ample practice and instructor feedback on their techniques. These courses are intended for health professionals with all levels of prior taping experience. Functional Movement Training (FMT) courses are taught by industry leading experts in movement assessment, performance and rehabilitation. CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, LAc, OTs and personal trainers. If your profession & state is unavailable, we do not currently offer CEUs however, we are continually adding additional licenses.Note: Tools are not provided with this course.

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FMT Basic

FMT Basic

by Dr Steven Capobianco

Until now, choices were limited if you wanted to learn how to use kinesiology tape.You had to read a book or attend an expensive class that locked you into one way of applying tape.Not anymore.FMT Basic introduces functional kinesiology taping methods that can improve the movement and performance of patients and clients. It includes a review of current literature supporting the theories that describe and delineate specific techniques of applying kinesiology taping for enhancement of rehabilitation or performance outcomes. Evidence based chapters in this course include topics of technique, theory and practical lab experience in areas such as pain management; edema/swelling control and proprioceptive guidance to enhance postural positioning. Kinesiology taping for scar mobility and symptoms associated with nerve entrapment are introduced in this course. FMT Basic is an evidence-informed kinesiology taping course that advances students understanding of the efficacy of elastic therapeutic taping as a rehabilitation and performance intervention for patient and client conditions ranging from pain mitigation to improving fluid dynamics and sharpening proprioception. FMT Basic methodically examines the research-influenced content basis for a practical framework of taping movement, not muscles replacing an outdated model of taping techniques which was focused on directional taping, specific percentages of stretch applied to the tape and the concept of activation or inhibition of musc...

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FMT RockFloss - Compression Band Flossing

FMT RockFloss - Compression Band Flossing

by Dr Steve Capobioanco

Until now, choices were limited if you wanted to learn how to treat with medical floss.You had to read a book or attend an expensive class that locked you into treating patients with specific, complex protocols.Not anymore.The FMT RockFloss introduces the use of compression floss bands to help reduce tissue edema, improve movement and modulate discomfort*. This course will cover the effects of compression band flossing on connective tissue gliding, tissue traction and tissue compression. Relevant anatomy, physiology and neurology of influenced tissues will be discussed. Interventions with compression band floss (including direction and pressure concepts) will be reviewed and integrated into current rehabilitative concepts. The term flossing is commonly associated with the image of a thick rubber band wrapped around an athletes large muscles, however; floss bands are an excellent tool for clinical care and a valuable tool for your patients and athletes self care programs. These courses are intended for health professionals with a basic understanding of soft tissue techniques. Functional Movement Training (FMT) courses are taught by industry leading experts in movement assessment, performance and rehabilitation. CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, LAc, OTs and personal trainers. If your profession & state is unavailable, we do not currently offer CEUs however, we are continually adding additional licenses.Note: Tools are not provided with this course.

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FMT RockPods

FMT RockPods

by Dr Steve Capobioanco

Until now, choices were limited if you wanted to learn how to treat with medical cups.You had to read a book or attend an expensive class that locked you into treating patients with specific, complex protocols.Not anymore.FMT RockPods introduces the concept of skin/fascial decompression to help improve tissue mobility, enhance movement and modulate discomfort* with the use of myofascial cups. This course will cover the anatomical, physiological and neurological effects of myofascial cupping on connective tissue gliding, tissue traction and tissue decompression. FMT RockPods will introduce and discuss skin and fascial decompression concepts and present evaluation techniques for the dermal and fascial systems. Additionally, the course explores using cupping techniques for rehabilitation and performance applications such as postural cueing, biomechanical pattern assists and to enhance visualization of movement. Interventions using myofascial cupping will be reviewed and informed by current research, the interventions will be integrated into current rehabilitation and performance applications. Myofascial Cupping is an ancient therapy, first documented over 5,000 years ago, clearly Olympic and professional athletes have gotten the message that whats old is still new! Though cups and techniques have changed over time, todays cups still create a suction and vacuum that allows for a decompression effect to take place under the skin. Functional Movement Training (FMT) courses are tau...

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Golf-Specific Assessment and Intervention

Golf-Specific Assessment and Intervention

Any athlete knows that injuries can sideline them and keep them from doing what they love. We know the body is a complex system and dysfunction at any point could cause pain and injury in unpredictable ways. Identifying the dysfunction or leaks in the system and correcting them is the key to longevity and improved performance in sports. This course will first review the joint by joint model along with the skin brain connection. It will discuss the common golf injuries and how to assess for dysfunction as it relates to golf performance. We will explore novel approaches that incorporate tools you already own for faster recovery and better outcomes: myofascial cups, kinesiology tape, IASTM tools, and compression bands. You will leave this course with new tools and tactics that will address the most common complaints in golfers.

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End of the Ice Age: A Modern Approach to Acute Care of Traumatic Injuries

End of the Ice Age: A Modern Approach to Acute Care of Traumatic Injuries

by Mike Stella, ATC

Traditionally speaking, acute management of injuries and post-surgical trauma has been relegated to short-term swelling and pain control, and woefully neglects the sub-acute and chronic phases of healing. Additionally, these classic tactics often have deleterious effects on later stages of healing and perhaps need to be re-considered. This limitation is compounded by the apparent lack of psychosocial factors that influence pain, healing, and both short and long term prognosis. The goal for this course, is to understand fundamental physiological & psychosocial factors and provide evidence informed application of strategies and techniques aimed at optimizing the short term, with the long term in mind.

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External Pelvic Health Therapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum

External Pelvic Health Therapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum

by Julia Mitchell, PT and Liz Frey, PT

FMT External Pelvic Health Therapy for Pregnancy and PostPartum is a course designed for health and medical practitioners who are interested in learning more about assessing and treating women throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period. External pelvic health therapy addresses common issues affecting the pelvis, pelvic floor and supporting core musculature without using an internal exam. Topics covered include subjective screening and external objective assessments for baseline fitness and readiness for activity, specific screening and treatment strategies for pregnancy and postpartum related conditions (such as pelvic girdle pain, pregnancy incontinence, etc.) and exercise prescription for this population.Functional Movement Training (FMT) courses are taught by industry leading experts in movement assessment, performance and rehabilitation. CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, LAc, OTs and personal trainers. If your profession & state is unavailable, we do not currently offer CEUs however, we are continually adding additional licenses.This course is 6 hours in length and a 30 Question multiple choice quiz will be required after completing the course to receive your CEU certificate. A 70% test score is required to pass and receive CEUs. The quiz can be open book and unlimited attempts on the quiz are allowed.Note: Tools are not provided with this course.

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